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The Pedagogical Workshop Of Creative Activities

AVÍS: Aquest curs ha finalitzat. Consulte altres edicions en la nostra programació de cursos.
Data d'inici: 24/05/2006
Data de finalització: 26/05/2006
Taxes de matrícula: 25 €


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Classes of creativity belong to the particular program of subjective education that is a new idea of teaching in the Academy of Humanities and Economics in Lodz. The course prepare participant to make project of own creative classes and workshops. They are teaching of the rules of creative work with the group. They get to know new methods and techniques developing imagination and improving creative active attitude. Creative activities completes a traditional academic knowledge by stimulating individual self- development. Through these classes participants gain an ability of solving problems in the most effective and independent way. Students acquire an active attitude towards their personal development.

The form of classes

These can implement by reading and as a workshops. Classes are focused on practical side.


The main aim of classes is to learn how to use creative methods in teaching. The participants create own workshop and exercises which stimulate pupils’ personal development. Projecting exercises should develop pupils’ personality, to improve their activities in daily life and make them aware of their internal possibilities and skills. During classes participants have opportunities to confront their attitudes and a way of thinking with others. They can also exchange and discuss their ideas and projects in the group. Participants prepare to act in creative and open way in their future job. Classes improve the imagination and intuition and as a result it helps finding new ways and methods in teaching and working with groups. The workshop encourages and provokes to go through routine and schematic activities and inspire to be more innovative and creative in acting and thinking. The task of classes. The ability of making projects of one’s own exercises and the workshop which stimulate self – development.


Introduction: Theory of educational creativity.

I part: Integration – Communication – Co-operation
integration of a group of students
co-operation in the group
the meaning of an open communication

II part: The barriers and limitations in creativity.
consciousness of our limits
breaking the routine and schemas

III part: Innovations and visions
looking for a new source of ideas
development of empathy and sensibility
learning by making plans and projects.
The project of own development

Materials: coloured newspapers, (cada alumno llevará el primer día de clase revistas con fotos y anuncios de colores).
Methods: Reading pappers. Drama (pantomime, gestures, stop cage). Artistic forms (drawing, painting, sculpture). Music. Playing. Writing.
- On the classes participants prepare own project of one exercise
- The form play, discussions, artistic forms, active method, drama, etc.

Salvador Peiró i Gregòri, P. Dr. University of Alicante.
Kamila Lasocińska, Professor in the Academy of Humanities and Economics in Lodz (Poland).

Dirigido a...

Profesores del sistema educativo, estudiantes universitarios.

Duracion y Calendario

10,5 horas lectivas.
24, 25 y 26 de mayo de 2006
miércoles, jueves y viernes, de 17.00 a 20.30 horas


Al término del curso se entregará a los participantes Diploma de Asistencia otorgado por la Escuela de Negocios de la Fundación General de la Universidad de Alicante y atendiendo a la normativa de la Universidad de Alicante se concederá 1 Crédito de Libre Elección.

Inscripción y matrícula

La cuota de inscripción será de 25€

Escuela de Negocios
Fundación General Universidad de Alicante
Tel.: 965 90 93 73 / 965 90 94 48
Fax: 965 90 93 69

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